Friday, May 9, 2014

21 months

Today marks 21 months since I was diagnosed with the rarest and deadliest kind of brain cancer.
It also marks 1 year past that 9 month expiration that they gave me. So it's kind of a huge deal! I had a Primary Children's appointment today and my doctors were all in shock with how well I am doing.

After my last visit, I don't think they were too sure they would see me again. My hands and mouth have ceased to be numb and tingly. I can swallow normally again. I can balance and walk normal. I can see clearly. And for my favorite.....{drumroll}....... I CRIED!
Granted my head was excruciating pain it literally put me in tears. But I cried! I was so excited, because for the first time in months I felt like I was able to release some negative emotions that have been boiling inside of me. I didn't even care that my head was hurting so bad because the drought is over!
{My head was in so much pain because on the way home from Disneyland we got rear ended and I hit my head really hard}.
I have a lot of fun plans coming up that I feel excited for, because I actually feel like myself again. I feel like I can actually enjoy doing things and talking to people.
Disneyland was so much fun. And so was the beach!

I'm just excited that I have lived for exactly 1 year passed when they thought I could make it. I have such support, so thank you, thank you, thank you!
I know that heaven is real. And so is my father that lives there.
I'm so happy that I am still around, some 12 months past expected.
I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Tomorrow is the Elevate 5k race for my family, along with 5 others struggling with cancer.
For any of you that are interested:
Elevate 5k race sign up
You can also see the video of me that they did about a month ago, and I look terrible compared to now. I don't blame my doctors for thinking that I wasn't doing too well!

On Good Things Utah set talking about the Elevate 5k.

Jordyn had a canvas of us made for my birthday and I love having it right above my bed! (Especially since she's in Havasupai! I miss her).

I had my brother use my scar and shave a cancer ribbon into my head!  

More Disneyland fun!

Getting my balance back comes with lots of fun.

 Driving home from Disneyland.

Fun with Friends.
Anyways, I'll probably have more to post real soon!
Thanks for reading and praying!
I can do hard things!


  1. Rachel, I loved the pictures and I love that you are still here!! Enjoy and have fun and remember that the only one who knows how long we'll be here is our Father in Heaven. We should all be living every day like it's our last because none of us know when it's our time to go home. So just keep on living and loving every day!

  2. You look great!! I am so happy for you. I am always praying and will continue to do so. God bless!
    Bridget Michel

  3. Congratulations Rachel. I have appreciated your determined spirit and positive outlook in a very challenging situation. We have never met, but I have thought of you and your family and with you all the very best. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours.

  4. I'm so happy you are feeling better! I will keep praying for you!
    Also, I was looking at the picture of you on the skateboard, and the mountains in the background took my breath away. I live on the east coast, so I could not imagine having a view of mountains like that in my neighborhood! Awesome!!

  5. I love the "hair ribbon"! Great style, greater message,, greatest girl!! AND your smile is triumphant,,especially with Mickey ears on, ha! Love it all,, I love you most, I'll be down to see you really soon!!!!

  6. You are a rock star. I love your positivity. Praying for you, from California!

  7. Hi Rachel,
    I found your blog about a year ago and have read every post. I'm the same age as you and can't imagine what you are going though. Your positivity is amazing and I love your spunk. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story and your raw emotions. Keep on fighting, you can do hard things!

    Love from Newfoundland, Canada

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