Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Follow Up/Quick Update

Today I had my follow up appointment for the shunt surgery and they were very pleased with how I am doing! So basically when they went in to do the surgery, they drilled a hole through my skull, and ran a tube from my brain to my stomach. On my skull there is a button thing that pumps spinal fluid down the line. It works by having pressure built up by the spinal fluid. The alternative option to rid spinal fluid from the brain is to physically pump it by pushing it in and out of my skull. (I am not allowed to do it), but my doctor did it twice today and it freaked me out, even though I didn't feel anything.
Anyways, I feel great, I have tons of energy, and I've been happy! I have been working really hard on my online school and am having tons of fun cooking lots!
I even taught relief society this last week on the talk I Will Not Fail Thee Nor Forsake Thee by Thomas S Monson. I learned so much from preparing and teaching the lesson. I highly suggest reading it!

Even though I am not so sure that no more chemo is a good thing- I am incredibly grateful that I don't have to do that any more. My body is finally starting to get its energy back and feel strong again, and I love it! I am hoping to go to school next semester. I am going to keep doing my online school as well. I believe that knowledge is eternal, so no matter what happens to me, knowledge will be beneficial. Plus I love learning new things.

My hands aren't tingly anymore so I've been playing the piano lots! I am playing in my recital this weekend and love the fact that I can use my hands good again.My eyes are still doing well too.

Thank you for all your prayers, I truly believe that's why I'm still here, because to put it bluntly, I shouldn't be. I am almost to month 22 and I couldn't be loving this extra time I've been given, more.

So please continue to pray!
I can do hard things!
Two of my good friends married each other!

Memorial day was wonderful


  1. I'm glad for the update that you are doing well! I've been reading your blog and it is inspiring! I pray for you to keep going strong and make it to many, many, many more months!

  2. You are amazing Rachel, I hope you have a wonderful summer doing the things you love. I have been reading your blog for a while now, you are so inspirational! Best wishes xxx

    Laurel, Northern Ireland

  3. Always in my prayers, sweet girl.
    Linda in Oregon

  4. Rachel I hope and pray for all God's blessings for you and your family:) This journey isn't easy but" You can do hard things" and I am so proud of your courage and faith!!! Embrace every day with passion and know God is with you always and Jesus is our savior.... I am a grandmother who's grandson dealt with DIPG with the same courage... he to was amazing all my love and prayers from Iowa Dominic's granny

  5. How inspiring you are. I love your positive nature and indomitable spirit.

  6. Thank you for being such a positive and wonderful inspiration!

  7. made me think of you. miracles are possible. http://www.policymic.com/articles/91131/this-8-year-old-girl-is-the-first-person-in-the-world-to-beat-brain-cancer?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social

  8. Hey Rachel. I hope youre doing well.My name is Matt Cochran. I've been diagnosed with the same, astrocytoma on the Pons. I'm honestly afraid but your story has calmed me. I'm not alone. I would like to talk to you via email if possible. I'll try to find out how to contact you but if you find this first I'll leave mine its ctctctmatt@Yahoo.com. any response would be greatly appreciated. I just need someone to talk to about this and it feels like no one else understands. Thanks

  9. I hope you're okay. I see that you haven't posted. Please be healthy and remember that you're the strongest person I have known. May God bless.
